5 most difficult Call of Duty campaign missions of all time

June 2024 ยท 7 minute read

Call of Duty is one of the most popular first-person shooter franchises. Since the game's first iteration dropped in 2003, the series has amassed a huge fan base worldwide. The series is known for its robust multiplayer game modes and immersive campaigns. The first Call of Duty game had a World War 2 setting. This followed until Call of Duty 4, where the series transitioned into modern-day warfare, and the title was rightfully called Modern Warfare.

Soon the series transitioned into futuristic gameplay with Black Ops 2, and then the trend continued until Infinite Warfare. Post this, the series returned to World War 2 era and present-day warfare. Since its inception, the series delivered countless campaigns full of exciting characters and narratives in different periods.

However, unlike most shooters, campaigns in Call of Duty aren't mainly known for being difficult, even in the Veteran difficulty. But that doesn't imply there weren't challenging missions in the franchise.

Call of Duty: World at War, for instance, was known for one of the most brutal campaigns in the series so far. That said, cherishing the cruel and gruesome missions in the C.O.D. series, this article will look at some of the most challenging missions in the history of Call of Duty's campaigns.

Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead.

Heart of the Reich and 4 other most challenging campaign missions in the history of Call of Duty

1) Loose Ends - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Loose Ends from the original Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most challenging missions in the game. The mission was full of twists, hardcore gunfights, and the betrayal of General Shepherd, killing Ghost and Roach. It goes down in history as one of the most iconic missions in the franchise.

The first section of the mission isn't that difficult. However, once you reach Makarov's safehouse, you set up a D.S.M. to gather intel. Until the download process completes, you must survive waves of deadly and relentless enemies. You can equip Claymores and C4s to make your task easier, but completing this mission without dying can be challenging if you are playing this mission in Veteran difficulty.

2) Alone - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)

Alone from Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is the most challenging mission in the game. Unlike other tasks, you cannot go guns blazing here. This assignment combines elements of stealth, crafting, and more. Here, you must focus on surviving the night and meeting up with Ghost rather than mowing down your foes. It takes a different turn away from the constant action and gives players a moment of calm.

What makes this mission particularly difficult is that you are most certainly dead if you get detected. You will barely have any weapons. Even if you do, you will be low on ammo and won't have enough to survive the fights.

3) One Shot, One Kill - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Another iconic mission from the franchise, One Shot, One Kill, takes a trip down memory lane for Captain Price, who narrates his time in Pripyat trying to eliminate Imran Zakhaev. In this mission, you are tasked with sniping out Zakhaev. However, you miss the shot and only take out his limb. Soon, the Russian army is onto you.

As you try to escape these forces, your ally Captain MacMillan gets injured and cannot walk. It becomes your task to fight hordes of Russian soldiers as you carry MacMillan to safety. The mission isn't that difficult until your ally gets injured. Then as you fight your way through enemy German Shepherds and soldiers, you reach the exfiltration point.

However, you aren't safe here either. As you wait for evac to come, you will be tasked with surviving hordes of enemies that will come at you at once from all sides, making it one of the most challenging missions in this series, especially on the Veteran difficulty.

4) S.O.G. - Call of Duty: Black Ops

This mission takes place in Vietnam. Frank Woods, Alex Mason, and Hudson fight off the sudden attack by the Vietnamese forces. It can get overwhelming at times as enemies keep coming at you relentlessly. While surviving them can get complicated, the most challenging section of the mission comes when it's time to counter and push them back.

When you go on offense by climbing up the hill, enemies will barrage fire over you using launchers and machine guns. Next comes the section where you'll shoot down tanks, which isn't that difficult. When tanks are eliminated, and enemies are pushed back, Woods, Hudson, Mason, and Bowman regroup, and the mission ends.

5) Heart of the Reich - Call of Duty: World at War

Heart of the Reich is the most challenging mission from the most difficult Call of Duty campaign, World at War. This mission, especially on the Veteran difficulty, is a nightmare for many. The Russians have fought back the Germans and are taking the fight back to the Germans, the heart of the Reich. This mission is long and involves fights through the broken buildings of Berlin as the Russian soldiers make their way to the German Parliament.

You'll be destroying enemy Flak 88s, killing hundreds of enemies, avoiding bombs, and more while in the open. This mission recreates the horrors of World War 2 right before the war ends. At the mission, the Soviet flag rises on top of the German Parliament, marking the war's end.

That sums up the most difficult missions in Call of Duty's history. However, it is worth noting that these campaign missions were listed in no particular order.

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